New date announced for the match!
Due to low number of participants main match has been decided to be arranged on Sunday 18th. Competitors who wish to shoot on Saturday are welcome to shoot on RO match.
Covid-19 information (in Finnish):
- Kisoihin tulo on ehdottomasti kielletty, jos itsellä on pieniäkään oireita tai syytä epäillä COVID-19-tartuntaa, esimerkiksi lähipiirissä odotellaan testitulosta.
- Kädet on pestävä huolellisesti saippualla ja lämpimällä vedellä aina kun on mahdollista. Kisapaikalla on saatavilla käsidesiä.
- Aivastetaan ja yskitään omaan hihaan.
- Jos käytte sisätiloissa (esim. Kyrönpirtissä) pitäkää käyntiaika mahdollisimman lyhyenä.
- Pyritään pitämään vähintään 1-2 metrin välimatka muihin kilpailijoihin ja henkilökuntaan.
- Turhia huutamisia ja tuuletuksia vältetään.
- Seuraa oman sairaanhoitopiirisi ja kuntasi ohjeita ja suosituksia mm. maskien käytöstä.
Mikkelin Ampujat Practical-division arranges Mean Steel Nordic Championship 2020, Internationally sanctioned Level III Nordic Steel Challenge match at 17 – 18th October 2020.
RO match and training days: 13.10. – 16.10. around 16.30 – 21.00
RO match 17th October 2020.
Training days for non MA members costs 10€
Match registration via SSI:
RO match registration starts at 08:00.
Main match days registration starts at 07:30 and shooting starts at 09:00. Gun check will be after registration.
MA Kyrönpelto shooting range:
Google Maps link
Nation Land Survey of Finland link
Registration starts at 19.8 18:00 and closes 20.9 24:00
Entry Fees:
1 class: 40€
2 classes: 60€
3 classes 70€
Teams: 30€
Extra round: 20€
Training day: 10€
Bank information:
Recipient: Mikkelin Ampujat Ry
IBAN: FI63 5271 0420 2738 16
Write to bank notice: ”Mean Steel Nordic 2020” and competitors name/names.
Also remember to bring the bank notice to match place to prove that you have paid the registration fee.
If required numbers of competitors fill up, every divisions 1st, 2nd 3rd will be awarded, otherwise only 1st.
Teams will be awarded if required numbers of competitors fill up.
H1 – Open Division
H2 – Standard Division
H3 – Production Division
H4 – Classic Division
H5 – Revolver Division
H6 – Nordic Production OPTICS, PROVISIONAL
H7 – Rimfire Pistol Division
H8 – Mini Rifle Division
H10 – Pistol Caliber Carbine Division Provisional
Should a competitor have less than 5 magazines any other competitor or spectator may reload magazines on behalf of the competitor completing the course of fire.
Competitor can shoot max two division per day. If competitor wants to shoot three division at least one of them must be shot on different competition day.
Competitor must have SAL- license and must be on safe shooter list.
Food services are available on Fri-Sun. Food is not included in the competition fee, but the prices are user-friendly.
I you want to buy competition T-Shirt (price 20€), contact Kimmo Iso-Tuisku.
More info coming soon!
Additional info from Kimmo Iso-Tuisku, GSM: +358 50 5992642
Match organization:
MD: Kimmo Iso-Tuisku
SO: Masa Kuitunen